
À PROPOS DU SPECTACLE DU 27.01.24 (Montréal)
Auteure et compositrice native du Québec et maintenant bien ancrée au Manitoba, Suzanne Kennelly explore la vie en mots et en musique.
Son premier mini-album SUZANNE KENNELLY JAZZ a obtenu une nomination au Gala national Trille Or en 2019. Invitée à participer au Festival International de jazz TD de Winnipeg en 2016 et 2019 et au Coup de Coeur Francophone de Saint-Boniface, elle collabore depuis avec le Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra et se produit régulièrement au Mardi Jazz du Centre culturel franco-manitobain.
Pour son premier spectacle à Montréal, Suzanne a rassemblé des musiciens du Québec et du Manitoba: Francis Covan (violon, accordéon), Manoel Vieira (piano) Levi Dover (contrebasse) de Montréal et Daniel Roy (batterie et direction musicale) de Winnipeg.
Chaleureuse et authentique, Suzanne partagera ses compositions en plus d'interpréter des classiques du jazz et de la chanson française.
Que du bonheur en perspective.
Billets : lepointdevente.com
SUZANNE KENNELLY is back to conquer her first love all over again. After a very successful career as a CBC/Radio-Canada host which lead to being inducted as one of the very few members of the Manitoba CBC Hall of Fame, she is now dedicating her time and energy to the arts.
Guided by her deep love of the stage, her connections to the musical scene and its artists , she decided to get back into the swing of things, musically speaking.
And she didn’t waste any time. In 2015, she was invited to perform at the renowned MÂRDI JAZZ event at the Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre (St-Boniface). She launched her new show SUZANNE KENNELLY JAZZ with some of the best musicians in town: Daniel Roy (drums/musical director), Gilles Fournier (bass), Mike Manny (piano) and Jocelyn Gould (guitar). The challenge was to offer a full program of jazz ‘’à la française’’ made of some good old standards (in their french versions), some Charles Aznavour and Michel Legrand type gems with some latin and swing in a warm, powerful and stylish performance that delighted the audience.
This repertoire is equally at home in a band setting or in a duo format. Following her MÂRDI JAZZ concert, Suzanne launched a concert tour with HOME ROUTES / CHEMIN CHEZ NOUS, accompanied by the wonderfully talented Jocelyn Gould on guitar. She is extremely proud to have been invited to be a guest artist at the WINNIPEG INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL (2016). She has recorded a demo in August followed by a showcase at CONTACT OUEST in Regina, Saskatchewan in September . She was the featured Manitoba artist for COUP DE COEUR FRANCOPHONE in November 2017 . Her first EP aptly titled SUZANNE KENNELLY JAZZ has garnered praise and a nomination to the TRILLE OR awards (think Junos for francophones outside Québec).